Monday, November 23, 2009

Chapter 5

23rd November.

Been a busy day. Work was a mess. Running around like a headless chicken can be rather amusing. At some point, i had no idea where i was supposed to be headed to.

Toughest destination today was Sungai Buloh Hospital. Received and unpaid invoice for little sister's treatment.Went back to have the bill paid for. Was almost teary eyed when drove into the hospital during lunch.Didnt take long to have it sorted but it was painful.The sights and smell was too familiar.Never kew how much i hated the scent of waffles till today.Had to practically run out of the place before i started crying.Heart was pounding all the time i was sitting at the payment counter. Sigh.... I do still miss her. Had trouble sleeping last night just thinking bout going back to the hospital.

Came back from work late.Had dinner and watched over momma bear.She was much better during dinner.Did not complain bout having porridge for dinner. Now she is lying flat out beneath the table. Heart burned after having half a slice of Siew Mai. She wants to go see the doc tomorrow.Note.She needs a refill on her sniffing drug.Minyak Cap Kapak.This must the standard issue for all pregnant chinese women.They literally have it up their nose 24/7.

Offered her fruits.No good. Offered yogurt.No good as well...

And her temperature sensor is also affected.One minute she is cold.Next minute warm. And she kept asking...You not cold? Ummm..What am i to say now? Suggestions anyone?

Update.Just came from watching the momma bear. Now it seems the sense of smell has improved to such a level that even toothpaste smells bad. New shower gel is required. New tooth paste. New lotion. She even insisted on having ribena just to flush away the Siew Mai taste.

So...If this kutu is a girl...She is gonna be so Paris Hilton. If kutu turns out to be a boy...Man. I dont even wanna imagine how thats gonna end up.

Mum told us bout her friend whom just suffered a stroke. Heart wrenching. 70years old.Daughter working in Singapore. Living alone. Unable to move now. Sigh..And we are undecided about dinner. Life as an adult is not pretty at all.

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