Friday, November 20, 2009

Chapter 2.

20th November.
Yesterday was another mind blowing bit. Went off to see the doc for the so called confirmation. How weird to see a troop of pregnant women sitting in the clinic with looks that can kill a deer. Why are they so upset? They looked like starving angry refugees. Is this what happens to them as the pregnancy progresses? Not a very comforting sight at all. I was bewildered to say the least. What are we in for? My image of a smilling young mother has just been shot to pieces. These bunch of ladies looked more like some frustrated Neanderthal hunters that just came back empty handed to the cave. And the funnier bits. All the partners looked scared shitless...

Whats going on here? Did i miss out on the angry pregnant lady briefing bit? An impatient lady that was waiting for almost 2 hours looked so furious. Trust me. you wouldnt wanna mess with this one. If looks can kill...this one would have been a mass murderer. So we decided to leave the joint and search for one that s less crowded.

Dr Reena's Clinic for Women. Sounds like fun. Walked in. Place smells nice. Doesnt smell one bit like a hospital at all.. Lotsa nice pictures. There is even a set of drawing from IKEA that we also own. Met the doc. Nice enuff lady. And Voila...!!! She is also pregnant. Found that out of she stood up... Man...Pregnant ladies are huge i tell u. But this one doesnt have the serial killer i wanna eat you up look. Fair enuff...puts me heart at ease. A wee bit.

So we proceed to do ths scan to spot our little kutu. Mana ada?! I can see nuts i tell you. I was begining to suspect this was a scam that the lady boss concocted to get me to buy her numerous amount of supper. Then...Doc pointed out the SAC. Apparently thats where the little fella willbe parking itself for the next 9 months. Interesting looking thing. Note to self. Search for doc with color screen. And a clearer monitor. This monitor looked like a tv screen from world war 1. I couldnt see nuts i tell you. But the doc is somewhat convinced that this is for real. We are suppose to return again middle of next month to follow up on our little kutu...Took her round of pills and off we went.

Pills can do wonder. One round of it and the serial killer left the building. She was back to her fine old self within 30 minutes. All smiles and no complaints bout gas and nausea. Note to self. Stock up on those... I will need it for sure.If she doesnt. At least it looked like it will numb something.

The following morning. Early signs , no good. She is not smilling. Seems the pills wore off. Offered breakfast as bribe. It worked. Went off for Bak Kut Teh. Finished almost a plate of rice. The smell of freshly cooked rice put a smile on her face. Note to self. The little one is gonna be a fussy eater. Oh boy.... Like i am not fussy enough. Made it through breakfast without any food missiles being shot out. Phew...she looked like she was gonna heave at one point.

Food is working for the moment. Lets see how long this formula will sustain us...

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