21st November
How difficult is it to find RAMLI burger at 12midnight? Quite odd really...Until you are given the task to the hunt.The reality of the hunt does not sink in till the 3rd visit to the regular burger stalls... Why is it that all the stalls are closed? Could it be the rain? Or the Champion's League? Ya da Ya da... Finally found the stall. got the burger. Delivery to home while its till hot.
Entire burger gone within minutes. And i was expecting to be given leftovers. Thinking it would not be possible for her to finish it. But no...Was i wrong. Seems the apetite and urge goes on over drive. According to her, she did not intend to finsih it but...the juice and sos kept dripping. It was her way of trying not to appear like a messy eater. Hence the complete elimination of it all.
Didnt take long for her to begin part 2 of the burger. Indigestion sets in. Grumbling begins.Here we go...
How difficult is it to find RAMLI burger at 12midnight? Quite odd really...Until you are given the task to the hunt.The reality of the hunt does not sink in till the 3rd visit to the regular burger stalls... Why is it that all the stalls are closed? Could it be the rain? Or the Champion's League? Ya da Ya da... Finally found the stall. got the burger. Delivery to home while its till hot.
Entire burger gone within minutes. And i was expecting to be given leftovers. Thinking it would not be possible for her to finish it. But no...Was i wrong. Seems the apetite and urge goes on over drive. According to her, she did not intend to finsih it but...the juice and sos kept dripping. It was her way of trying not to appear like a messy eater. Hence the complete elimination of it all.
Didnt take long for her to begin part 2 of the burger. Indigestion sets in. Grumbling begins.Here we go...
Have been lucky.She slept through it all....
Today...pretty much flat line. Left her with her family,they took her off to AEON for food. Sent her back soon after.Seems her head started spining after spotting shopping crowd pulling in during lunch. Me? I only got to see her in the evening. All covered up on the sofa. Is this how its gonna be like for the next 9 months? Yikes......
Dinner at gramps after mum and dad returned from aunts place in Pandan Indah. They brought home this super potent Chicken Soup that aunt made. Was hilarious watching Grandpa wrinkled his face..." Whoa...What nonsense is that?! So spicy and sour....! You guys are nuts to be eating those..."
We nearly fell off our chair laughing.Grandpa thought it was funny as well. Dont think i have seen the old man done that all my life. He used to chew raw chilli just to show off to us little kids... And always receives a hero's clap from his naive grand children... But to watch him today..Was funny and yet sad. He is not getting any younger. I do love my grandpa to bits. He was always generous but strict to me. But hey...I love him nonetheless. A lot more than i care to admit... He smiled when i told him bout the little kutu acting up...I hope that put a smile on his face again tonight.
The Original Kutu Boy...
I miss him....
" Here' s looking at you kiddo...!"
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